Jake Hunt of HUNT TALENT has reached out to many of our area and beyond performers to come together and raise funds for people devastated by Hurricane Helene.
Performers include
Stan Prinston - Lead singer of The Flamingos
Louie Fortunato is a Brooklyn-born singer and former member of TKO who has opened for acts like Joey Dee and The Starlighters.
Gid Pool - Professional stand up comedian featured on the Today Show and a front page story in the Wall Street Journal.Dry Bar comedy special recording artist.
Bob Lawson - Mentalist and former lead technical on "The Mentalist" CBS's hit TV Show.
Nate Johnson - Local act and lead singer of Draw 4
Ron Mitchell is currently a solo musical act on the Carnival Cruise line. Former backup singer for Whitney Houston.
Jason Ensor & Sonali Olivia - Local stage professionals and excellent Vegas style performers.
Betsi Larock - Local original artist, cover artist, and tribute artist
Jimmie Bush Jr.- Award-winning, Engelbert Humperdink-sanctioned tribute artist and personality performer
Jacob Hunt- Local talent agent, singer, comedian, caricature impressionist
Johnny Petillo - Formerly of Danny and The Juniors. Tony Orlando's opening act up until his retirement this year.
Fran Capo- 30-year stand-up comic. Guinness Book of World Records holder for world's fastest talker. Credits from every TV talk show imaginable. Conan, Tonight Show, you name it.
Lou Angelwolf - National Comic
Mary Ellen Depetrillo - National comic